About us

We are a funeral organization that professes respect and reverence for funerals, for this reason, we moralize ourselves to offer massive economic solutions through forecast programs, convinced of the psychic need to carry out meaningful farewells, for what we mean in existence.

Death announcements

Death announcements

Funeral rituals honor the memory of deceased loved ones, allow to express the pain of their death, receive the support and solidarity of those who accompany and help to build a new meaning to existence.

We think of you

The importance of the ritual

"A good funeral should take the dead where they should be and return the living where they need to be." Tomas Lynch


Frequent questions

Frequent questions
¿By what means of payment can I pay my monthly fee?

¿By what means of payment can I pay my monthly fee?

Read more


comillasopen The San Vicente Funeral Home is synonymous with human quality and support in the most difficult moments. Thank you for accompanying Colombian families in a process where company and understanding are needed. Eternal gratitude for each of the employees that are part of the San Vicente Funeral family, we hope that day by day they continue to give their best. comillasclose

Laura Castañeda


Welcome to Funeraria San Vicente S.A.
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© Copyright 2020 - Funeraria San Vicente S.A. All rights reserved.
Address: Carrera 51D # 61-20,
Management and Services: 604 575 50 50, Collection WhatsApp 320 706 33 13,
Management Email: fsanvicente@funerariasanvicente.com,
Services Email: direcciondeservicios@funerariasanvicente.com, Medellín - Colombia - South America
Design and development: Artedinamico.ne




